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So far Marbella 360 has created 18 blog entries.


We are publishing some extracts of the news from EFE agency related to the top level meeting at la Costa del Sol to address the Coastal Train problems as well as other mobility problems, celebrated on the past July the 17th, with the attendance of 18 Costa del Sol mayors, the president of the Malaga Council Office and the Development Secretary of State. The Spanish government is planning to tender an informative study regarding the future Costa del Sol coastal train for the coming 2025, having in account that in [...]

By |2024-08-02T11:05:49+00:002 de August de 2024|Categories: Sin categorizar|Comments Off on STEPS TO THE COASTAL TRAIN: TOP LEVEL MEETING

Home Safety: Travel arrangements before leaving home on holidays.

Summer’s here and many of us are lucky to go on holiday with our hearts filled with hope for proper rest, some fun and more, either at one’s holiday home or on a holiday getaway … but it is then that we start asking ourselves: what happens with our home during our stay away? To ease the concern we are now presenting a number of Good practices and will also have a look at technology and its progress in the security sector services. HOME SAFETY TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Once we are [...]

By |2024-07-22T11:19:00+00:0022 de July de 2024|Categories: Sin categorizar|Comments Off on Home Safety: Travel arrangements before leaving home on holidays.

The Spanish Government is looking into ruling out the “Golden Visa”

Pedro Sanchez, president of the Spanish government announced that the Spanish Cabinet is thinking of ruling out the Golden Visa law as per the EU recommendation. What is a Golden Visa The Golden Visa is an administrative tool currently operating in Spain since 2013, that enables a foreign citizen to apply for a residence permit in an easy procedure which can be achieved in a short period of time by means of different types of investments. Spain was then Deep into the world economic crisis caused by the bursting of [...]

By |2024-04-17T11:47:36+00:0017 de April de 2024|Categories: Sin categorizar|Comments Off on The Spanish Government is looking into ruling out the “Golden Visa”

Spain moves forward in Geothermal Energy Era

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of renewable energies, Spain emerges as a pioneer in the exploration and development of geothermal energy. This type of energy, obtained from heat stored in the earth, represents an inexhaustible and sustainable source that could transform the Spanish energy landscape, directly impacting the price of electricity today and long-term electricity consumption. The geothermal potential of Spain The Canary Islands, known for their volcanic origin, stand out as a primary focus in the search for geothermal energy in Spain. These islands have the [...]

By |2024-02-07T09:20:42+00:007 de February de 2024|Categories: Sin categorizar|Comments Off on Spain moves forward in Geothermal Energy Era

The Spanish New Housing Law, Law 12/2023: Key Facts

The Spanish New Housing Law, Law 12/2023: Key Facts The new Housing Law introduces a number of reforms aimed to regulate, amongst others, the right to a decent and addequate dwelling and the posibility of using it on proper and affordable way. On a general basis, the main modifications to the previous Urban Rental Law are the following: End of CPI as reference to price the rentals and new cap of current rental contracts The current cap on the increase of rentals will continue to be the 2% until 31st [...]

By |2023-12-14T12:54:35+00:006 de June de 2023|Categories: Sin categorizar|Comments Off on The Spanish New Housing Law, Law 12/2023: Key Facts

Quick first half of 2022 Real Estate Scenario

At the end of October 2022 we have known several reports informing of the Real Estate Market performance and some interesting details linked to the information that show the trends and discriminate the data as per the buyers nationality. The main source for this article is a midterm report from the Spanish Notarial Chambers which produces interesting data, for starters, as many as 72.987 dwellings have been purchased by foreign people in the Spanish market along the first half of 2022, entitling the period as the higher foreign purchase rate [...]

By |2024-02-07T11:25:10+00:009 de November de 2022|Categories: Real Estate|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Quick first half of 2022 Real Estate Scenario

Living Coach, a new approach to dwell our houses.

The XXI century we are living in is constantly leaving us in awe for the drastic changes in our environment due to information technologies that make us wonder about our way to face the world we are living in, the way we understand our work, our leisure, etc., … we have noticed a new professional profile, the Living Coach, quite interesting for us since we ourselves work in the real estate, the field we work in. What is a Living Coach? What do they do? How can we profit from [...]

By |2024-02-07T12:08:39+00:001 de July de 2022|Categories: Real Estate|Tags: , |Comments Off on Living Coach, a new approach to dwell our houses.

Real Estate endures at La Costa del Sol

Now we are approaching the end of the year it’s about time to assess the Real Estate Scenario in La Costa del Sol. This year 2020, which will inevitably be associated for some time with the unfortunate COVID19, has tested both the state and its infrastructure, as well as the different activity areas, and, of course, the people. The effectiveness of countermeasures (taken by the different governments) to tackle this pandemic will be measured and evaluated in the coming times, and we will need to do so in a way [...]

By |2024-02-07T12:09:17+00:0010 de December de 2021|Categories: Sin categorizar|Comments Off on Real Estate endures at La Costa del Sol

¿Fin de la Plusvalía (IIVTNU)? (no estamos tan seguros …)

El tribunal constitucional ha publicado una nota de prensa en la que informa de la sentencia que declara inconstitucional “el sistema objetivo de cálculo del impuesto (…) porque determina que siempre hay incremento de valor cuando se transmite un terreno, independientemente de que tal incremento exista en realidad, y de su cuantía.” La sentencia considera (que se publicará este viernes 29 de octubre de 2021) inconstitucionales y nulos los artículos 107.1, segundo párrafo, 107.2.a) y 107.4 del texto refundido de la Ley reguladora de las haciendas locales (RD Legislativo 2/2004, [...]

By |2023-06-01T08:40:40+00:0027 de October de 2021|Categories: Real Estate|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on ¿Fin de la Plusvalía (IIVTNU)? (no estamos tan seguros …)